Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Hans Blumenberg, The Legitimacy of the Modern Age: Part I, Chapters 1 and 2

diversity in uses of and attitudes towards concept of secularization - some intellectual shadow boxing, as his antagonists here are mostly unspecified and sometimes I can't even guess who they are

descriptive secularization - historical decrease in practice and influence of religion and possessions of religions institutions

interpretive secularization - explaining modern secular concepts and institutions by reference to a supposed religious source

crisis theology - positive valuation of secularization, as a liberation of religion from entanglements of the world

secularization and worldliness - Arendt's distinction between these noted - secularization does not return modern man to immedicacy of classical relationship to the world - instead an intensification of alienation from the world

dispute with Gadamer, who contends that concept of secularization performs legitimate hermeneutic function of revealing hidden meaning of the present - Blumenberg

leads into dispute over significance of secularization (i.e., expropriation) of church property as a metaphorical touchstone for use of secularization as an interpretive concept - reference to background metaphorics

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